You are viewing all posts for categories: service

Why Your Car Battery Needs To Be Tossed

Your car battery could be running out of juice. Does it need to be tossed? It might need to be tossed if it's not helping you start the car. You might need to get the jumper cables out way too often these days. That's never good. You might have a weaker than normal sounding horn. That's not good, either.

The car battery is integral to running electrical components within your vehicle. It powers windows, locks, radios, windshield wipers, cigarette lighters, external power and more. It's the basis for a lot of energy within the framework of…
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Why Your Car Needs An Oil Change

If you are changing your oil yourself, you'll need a jack and jackstands, a box-end wrench and a container for the oil. You can also use the container to catch the oil. To change the oil, you'll need to drain out the old motor oil from your car and replace it with new oil. This is also the time to replace the oil filter.

It's important to change the oil or have it changed when your mechanic recommends it, which is usually about every three months or so. Depending on the model of your vehicle, you may…
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Why Regular Maintenance Is Important

No matter how durable your Ford vehicle is, eventually the wear and tear of every day driving will catch up to it. It’s a fact of being a car owner: parts wear out, and you have to get new ones to replace them and keep your vehicle running as smoothly as possible.

That’s why it’s important to make sure you keep up with maintenance on your vehicle. Doing so ensures that your vehicle is as healthy as it possibly can be. On top of that, in the long run, it can help you save money.

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